Tuesday, February 25, 2020

What's the Wildest Story You Tell At Parties?

What's the wildest story you tell at parties?

Believe it or not, the thing no one ever believes me about isn't a story.

It's the simple fact that I have grandchildren even though my own youngest child is only four.

I don't know why no one believes me; women are usually fertile for almost 40 years, many women start having babies young, and many women these days are having babies in their 40's.  Near as I can gather, people have a hard time believing that a woman would choose to have a baby after having a grandchild and so close to having all the kids out of the house.

I've got to tell you, though, I was never one of those people who only wanted a certain number of kids.  I wanted to have as many as I had.  I never looked forward to the day I was on my own.  Without someone to care for, I have my doubts that I would do the normal everyday living thing.  I'd probably wander off and starve to death.

As a matter of fact, when I was 13, my life plan was to become self-employed, buy a large piece of property, and have a lot of kids who helped grow food and add rooms to our home so they could stay with me until I was no more.

I didn't quite make it because I started my family too soon and ended up being addicted to being in love. 

Now I'm 43, only had 6 kids because men became involved, and I'm only just getting my business going.  Not even close to buying property and, now that most of my kids are grown, they're already doing their own things.


What's your story?

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