Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tao Te Ching 13

 Tao Te Ching 13

Success is as dangerous as failure, and we are often our own worst enemy.

What does it mean that success is as dangerous as failure?

He who is superior is also someone's subordinate.

Receiving favour and losing it both cause alarm.

That is what is meant by success is as dangerous as failure.

What does it mean that we are often our own worst enemy?

The reason I have an enemy is because I have "self".

If I no longer had a "self", I would no longer have an enemy.

Love the whole world as if it were your self; then you will truly care for all things.

Lao Tzu

In some ways I agree with this.  But I know that it is impossible to truly love if you don't know what love is.  One must learn what love is and then fill themselves with love so it can spill out into the world.

Much love,

Mother Tory

Monday, October 12, 2020

Tao Te Ching 12

 Tao Te Ching 12

Five colours blind the eye.

Five notes deafen the ear.

Five flavours make the palate go stale.

Too much activity deranges the mind.

Too much wealth causes crime.

The Master acts on what she feels and not what she sees.

She shuns the latter, and prefers to seek the former.

Lao Tzo

The passage could spark a huge debate in today's world.

Much love,

Mother Tory

Friday, October 9, 2020

Tao Te Ching 11

 Tao Te Ching 11

Thirty spokes are joined together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that allows the wheel to function.

We mould clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that makes the vessel useful.

We fashion wood for a house, but it is the emptiness inside that makes it liveable.

We work with the substantial, but the emptiness is what we use.

Lao Tzu

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Tao Te Ching 10

 Tao Te Ching 10

Nurture the darkness of your soul until you become whole.

Can you do this and not fail?

Can you focus your life-breath until you become supple as a newborn child?

While you cleanse your inner vision will you be found without fault?

Can you love people and lead them without forcing your will on them?

When Heaven gives and takes away can you be content with the outcome?

When you understand all things can you step back from your own understanding?

Giving birth and nourishing, making without possessing, expecting nothing in return.

To grow, yet not to control; This is the mysterious virtue.

Lao Tzu

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Tao Te Ching 9

 Tao Te Ching 9

It is easier to carry an empty cup than one that is filled to the brim.

The sharper the knife the easier it is to dull.

The more wealth you possess the harder it is to protect.

Pride brings its own trouble.

When you have accomplished your goal simply walk away.

This is the pathway to Heaven.

Lao Tzu

I don't want to be a Negative Nancy here, but this passage makes me feel like "Heaven" might be safe and boring.  Your thoughts?

Much love,

Mother Tory