Saturday, January 8, 2022


 Hello Dear Readers

I wanted to share some things that resonated with me from someone I only recently realized even existed, Max Igan.

We're not fighting the system, we're fighting the belief that the system is real.  We have to be careful of spells and see through the glamour.

We've become so accustomed to doing what we're told that we can't see that governed freedom is still slavery.  Just because a group of people agree to it and write it down, doesn't mean it applies to everyone, it only applies to those who agree to it.  Protesting against it only validates your belief and consent that it is real and that it applies to you.

If nobody acknowledges or goes along with it, it doesn't exist.

Seems really out there, doesn't it?  Especially after spending your whole life being told and taught that the system is necessary in order for people to be civilized.  Lately, though, it seems to me that a LOT of people are treating each other worse than ever.  Regular people are hating each other for simply having different opinions about things.  I've never seen people have so little respect for each other, families are being torn apart because they disagree on who the rulers should be.  It's ridiculous.  

Would life really be worse if there were no people on the hill telling millions, maybe even billions, of their neighbors how they have to live their lives?

It's been weighing heavy on my mind for a good, long while now.

Much love to you all,


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